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Melanie McNeill Rock the Rafters!! January 6, 2013
 Rest in peace Dear Mike. God had a plan for you to help book all those bands that Rocked the Rafters for us all . That one thing that brought us together. THE MUSIC!! that we danced and sang to!! Friendships created!! AND-- after 40+ years are still there. I will always remember your caring humor. Life experience is what molded you to the man we all remember after all these years. God picked that one earth Angel ;;Kathleen that you chose to be your wife who cared for you by your side until you were called home. Together you created a beautiful family and through them your legacy lives on AND NOW, you have a new asignment to rock the clouds for the Angels above. We will miss you Mike but will never forget you. If clown school was kind of a bucket list you wished you would have done then I am positive there willl be one in heaven to still bring on the laughter. That laughter is good for the soul. :-) Love You Mike, Melanie <3
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